Speaking Statistics
Truly understand and enjoy basic research and statistical terminology and concepts, ensuring success in your school or life's work
From her own experience as a clinician, researcher, and university professor, Dr. Hawkins began to appreciate most stats courses skip over basic terminology and key concepts.
Without knowing these basics, very bright students quickly become frustrated and feel left behind as their statistics course rushes on toward complex analyses without the learner understanding how or when they might ever utilize these powerful tools.
Are you longing to be able to finally understand and use statistics?
Gain the confidence to move forward!
Over 78 narrated slides and 6 videos explain in simple terms basic statistical terminology and key concepts that are foundational to understanding the subject.
Be empowered to enroll in a traditional statistics class, discuss reports of research with colleagues, and use statistical software.
Perfect as an adjunct with a concurrent statistics course or review before taking a second or more advanced course.
Critique reports from the media, and knowledgably read results of research beyond just looking at the p-value: what do those symbols and phrases mean?
Grasp the meaning and usefulness of basic concepts such as standard deviation, confidence intervals and effect size.
Learn how to choose the appropriate analysis and understand the results
Find an environment where your questions can be safely answered--learning from a colleague who has walked in your shoes!
Enjoy videos explaining and demonstrating how to open IBM's statistical software SPSS, create a data base, and complete basic operations.
Benefit from selections of material presented in a doctoral level statistics course, made understandable and affordable for everyone.
Preview the course curriculum
Welcome! Getting started in the course.
- Welcome! Getting started in the course.
Setting the foundation
- Insider Tips: Research philosophy and methods. Get your inner PhD on!
- Levels of measurement, defining variables and building a solid research question
- Basic math concepts, sampling, bias and error
- Thoughts about instruments: validity and reliability
Basic statistical terminology and concepts--explained!!
- Null hypothesis, probability, type I and II errors, power
- Navigating the Statistical Terminology Forest: properties of the bell-shaped curve, standard deviation, confidence interval, effect size, descriptive vs inferential statistics, assumptions, skew and kurtosis and more!
Videos: Open SPSS and create a database; descriptives, charts and graphs, correlation, t-tests and chi-square
- Opening SPSS and Creating a Data Base
- Descriptives
- Charts and Graphs
- Correlation
- T-tests
- Chi Square
The Everyday PhD
Lifelong Learning for Everyday Life
Earning a PhD is a privilege. However, the joy of learning should belong to everyone, and this is Dr. Hawkins' mission: to share knowledge about all kinds of topics with fascinating people just like you.
Join her as she guides you in learning new skills about everyday, and perhaps not so everyday, subjects
Dr. H has the knack of turning her lifelong curiosity and scholarly approach into courses that are accessible to anyone and leave the learner feeling empowered, positive, and confident.
Wouldn't you love to feel empowered, enthusiastic, and confident about statistics?
Stop hiding and come join in--it's time!
Following Dr. Hawkins' warm and inviting learning style, you will soon be on your way to understanding foundational statistical terminology and key concepts--and finding you are enjoying the journey!

Lee Ann Hawkins PhD
Instructor and Course Author
Lee Ann Hawkins PhD
Creator and Author
[email protected]Lee Ann Hawkins PhD, RN, FNP is a nurse practitioner; her many responsibilities in nursing extended from clinician to university professor and award-winning published researcher. However, this is only part of her life-- she describes herself as liminal – meaning one who slips across role boundaries with ease--prompted by her innate curiosity, love of people and sense of adventure. A surprise to many is the fact she holds a business degree in hotel and restaurant management! A lifelong learner, Dr. H is deeply interested in others' ways of knowing--about almost any topic. She is energized by creating, exchanging ideas, cooking, entertaining, feeding people (and any creature crossing her path), and being outside in her garden and in nature. Dr. H always learns from her students, excels in making difficult topics accessible and students successful, and is looking forward to having you along on the journey. -